What are you willing to pay for Physical Education?

Video Highlights

How will having a physical education program help me with my homeschooling?

  • Physically fitness helps mental fitness
  • Helps build confidence and self control
  • The movements in Family Time Fitness are designed to create new brain connections
  • Provides break time activities that easily transition student back into learning mode
  • Better circulation between learning activities increases blood flow to the brain

What makes Family Time Fitness different than other physical activities we’re already doing?

  • The movements in Family Time Fitness are carefully designed, based on decades of research, to provide optimal fitness both mentally and physically.
  • The activities in Family Time Fitness are designed to be fun, group activities, perfect for spending time together as a family

How do I work Family Time Fitness into my homeschooling day?

  • Activities can be used as a stand alone, short duration activity
  • Use the activities to transition between subjects during the day:
  • The body is designed for movement, not sitting still for long durations
  • An adult mind can only concentrate and learn new information for 20 minutes at a time, and needs breaks between different subjects