Exercise and Neurogenesis

In previous blog posts, I have discussed how exercise helps improve brain system functions. Attention systems, memory systems, and motivation systems all improve with regular exercise. Doing aerobic exercise for approximately 30 minutes 3-4 days also causes the brain to change and grow at a cellular and molecular level. Another benefit of exercise on the brain is that it promotes neurogenesis like nothing else.

Neurogenesis is the process by which new neurons are formed in the brain. For many years, it was thought that adult mammals did not create new neurons in the brain. Research has found that adult mammals do indeed create new neurons in the brain. The research has also found that moderate aerobic physical activity is one of the best things that promotes neurogenesis in the brain.

Moderate intensity aerobic exercise helps increase production of Brain Derived Neutrophic Factor (BDNF). BDNF is a neutrophin or brain growth factor. BDNF stimulates the growth and differentiation of new neurons. It also helps to support and preserve the survival of existing neurons and neuronal pathways. Other brain research found that voluntary vs forced exercise also increased the amount of BDNF produced by the brain. I would conclude from this that in order to get the most brain boosting benefit from exercise we need to make it enjoyable and not a punishment tool.

Now that we know a few ways that exercise helps improve the health of our brains what do we need to do? Every time I read this about how exercise improves brain health, it motivates me to keep moving. Go for a walk, ride your bike, go play with your kids. Start doing something active every day. Make daily exercise a fun part of your daily routines for you and your children. Have your children start their school day with physical activity. After 20-30 minutes of Physical Education they can move on to other academic subjects. Within days or a few weeks, you may start to notice the changes in your child’s focus, memory, and behavior. At Family Time Fitness we provide you with easy to follow physical education lessons that will provide 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity. Check out our website to find out how we can help you improve your family’s brain health.