The type of exercise you choose all depends on what you love to do. If your physical activity meets the time and intensity requirements you will get health benefits. One of the most important factors in developing a fitness program is to find activities you enjoy.
Read more →Family eating patterns play a role in the eating habits children have as they move into adulthood. All parents want their children to grow to be healthy adults. Developing good eating habits at an early age will help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity later in life. At times it may seem difficult to provide healthy food choices. With a little planning and involving your children you can provide healthy snacks and meals for your family.
Read more →When people talk about physical education the conversation often focuses on the topics of weight loss, and proper nutrition. One thing that many people do not realize is that physical education and exercise not only makes them physically stronger but it also helps their brains function better. Hundreds of studies have been conducted that show the effects of exercise on the brain. Physical activity has been shown to improve attitude, cognitive performance as well as focus and creativity. These improvements in brain function and behavior are in part due to improved blood flow to the brain, the formation of new nerve cells, more efficient neuron firing, and larger brains.
Read more →Are your children physically literate? Are you providing opportunities for your children to become physically literate? What does it mean to be physically literate? Physical literacy can be defined as the ability to move with confidence and competence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person.
Read more →Parents, Are you willing to do one thing that could significantly improve your child’s future?
This one thing will: significantly reduce your child’s risk of chronic disease, give your child more confidence, reduce stress and anxiety in your home, improve sleep, improve cognitive abilities, improve your child’s social interactions.
Diabetes is a disease which affects the person when the pancreas stops to function properly. In the past it was considered as an incurable disease however with the passage of time different drugs were introduced for its prevention. Medical experts consider diabetes as a group of metabolic diseases. Patients usually have a high level of sugar in their blood. Because of high blood sugar levels most patients suffer from a particular phenomenon known as polyuria, that is frequent urination.
Read more →I have many different roles in my life. In these different roles I interact with parents, children, and young adults. I teach health and physical education classes at a large state university. I coach my children’s sports teams. I oversee and lead games for the Awana program at my church. I am the director of a summer camp. At home, I am a husband and dad. My roles at home are the most important and biggest responsibilities that I have. I feel it is critical to create an environment in the home that provides our children with the best opportunities to grow to be healthy, happy, independent adults. We are role models to our children. Our behaviors, words, and actions have a deep impact on our children.
Read more →I have a child with special needs. The term Special Needs includes conditions of many different types and severities so we have to follow up in our conversations with lots of explanations…my six year old has Down Syndrome and is still non-verbal. Now you have a better picture of my situation. So, when asked to write an article on how to adapt a physical education program for children with special needs, it is obviously a very hard task. There are too many variables. But perhaps I can offer some guidelines.
Read more →As homeschoolers, we often profess to believe in providing a learning environment at home which encourages creativity and whole person development. At Family Time Fitness, we challenge all homeschoolers to reprioritize their home-based learning environment to include physical education. As homeschoolers we believe that children learn best in a family environment at home and this is true for physical education. Family Time Fitness has designed an at-home program to encourage physical fitness and athletic development in the context of family where learning happens best.
Read more →All children need physical education. It is integral to the complete education of every child. The quality physical education program is planned and provides instruction which provides participants with many benefits.
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