Exercise and Neurogenesis

In previous blog posts, I have discussed how exercise helps improve brain system functions. Attention systems, memory systems, and motivation systems all improve with regular exercise. Doing aerobic exercise for approximately 30 minutes 3-4 days also causes the brain to change and grow at a cellular and

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Exercise and Brain Growth

homeschool fitness

In my previous blog post, I shared how exercise improved the brain systems. According to most neuroscientists, exercise is one of the best things a person can do to improve and maintain brain health. According to Dr. Wendy Suzuki, exercise is the most transformative thing a person

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Exercise and Brain System

I have worked in the academic world as a physical educator for more than 15 years. I have come to realize that most people in academia do not care that physical education improves a child’s health. They do not care that exercise reduces depression and anxiety. What

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Team Sports as Physical Education?

My child is in team sports: why do I need a physical education program? Most team sports include just one hour of practice, and one hour of game time per week. For practices, between teaching new skills, instruction, and other activities, each child might be getting 15-20 minutes of physical activity.

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