Dear Friend,
We developed this Physical Education Curriculum for homeschoolers because, frankly there wasn’t one available. I found this extremely disturbing and for a good reason. My brother and his wife started homeschooling their 3 children last year.
I did all kinds of research on homeschool youth fitness and let me tell you, there isn’t much info on it. My next move was to prove to my brother, hey your son and daughter need a physical education program incorporated into your curriculum studies and not one of these cheapo books these so called “Experts” put out. I mean a real pre-planned curriculum that is easy to use and follow. He said to me “you’re a fitness guru, you design one for us.” I chuckled for a second and said.” No problem, I’ll do it.”
I called a good friend of the family, who is a movement expert, and homeschool dad, to discuss Physical Education for Homeschoolers. He said there is no program for homeschoolers besides going to the local fitness club (even if they allow kids, most don’t) and who the heck can afford that or has the time to pack up a family get to the gym. I was then introduced to Youth Fitness Expert & Kinesiology Professor, Mike Hanik. We all came together and created what you now know as Fitness 4 Homeschool Physical Education Curriculum.
My nephew went from not being able to do a jumping jack to being able to knock out 100 of them within 2 months’ time.
We also have a growing problem in this country. By 2015 75% of all US kids, adolescent and adults will be overweight or obese. That’s not something my team or I can live with. We as homeschool parents, aunts, uncles need to set the example and participate in leading healthier and active lives.
Exercise done on a regular basis will help with:
battling obesity, prevent the most common form of diabetes which is type 2 diabetes, enhance learning, develop proper motor skills, agility, proprioception and confidence.
We took all the headache and guesswork out of trying to plan another thing in your already busy schedule. We did all the work for you. So… let my team and I help you and your children stay active and physically fit. Your children will receive a Certificate of Completion for the Fitness 4 Homeschool Physical Fitness Curriculum.
Why we do what we do:
We as parents, coaches, and mentors have been through trials and tribulations of overweight kids, overweight adults, and the health problems caused by being inactive and overweight . We have overcome and conquered these issues. Now we are here to help you and your families overcome these same things. We care about the health of your children. We want today’s young people to mature into healthy and physically active adults.
We want to help strengthen families by providing opportunities to spend quality time together. There is nothing more frustrating to parents than spending more time away from their family and children. Our program is the solution.
~ Family Time Fitness Team