See what our customers are saying…
My wife and I began using your curriculum for our homeschoolers a few weeks ago: 4 children ages 4 to 14. I’m in the Army–and some of the workouts/exercises are positively challenging even for me. Our whole family absolutely loves this material. It\’s an incredible program. This isn’t just a “play” curriculum–it incorporates plenty of physical work, balance, coordination, and great moments of teaching. Thank You for such an exceptional program!!!
Chaplain Jeremy Rhoades
We love it and we all have sore muscles. We are doing the program as a family and it is a positive time of interaction and humor that we all look forward to. Thanks for putting such a quality program together. I will definitely share this with my friends.
Wendy H.
Got it! Thank you very much. I love your program and I recommend it to all the homeschoolers I know. It�s wonderful to have a HOME-friendly homeschool phys. ed program. My kids love all of the exercises � especially when they can act out different animals, etc.
Thank you for your program.
Crysti S.
We just ordered and received our first 2 weeks of the program. We have done the 2 days of samples.
The first day was fun. My dd12 was a very reluctant participant. DD8 loved it. In the morning all of us could feel some muscles that weren\’t used to being worked! Squats are good for building leg strength. DD8 and I started in on the 2nd day sample, and dd12, sat and watched, but joined in on several of the activities. Rather than push her to join, she\’s picking and choosing. We were all laughing hard enough we had tears in our eyes.
We all had rosy cheeks from working out. It isn\’t a long time investment, but definitely works your muscles and brings up your heart rate. I have had a moment to look over the next 2 weeks, and see that there is lots of variety. For the older girl, it allows for substitutions since she has issues with her knees. We\’ll be building all our strength and endurance, which will only improve out chosen athletic endeavors.
I\’m so glad we found this! I\’m anxious to see where we all are fitness wise in a couple months!
We want to thank you for making this program available. The free trial alone was such a fun blessing for our family. From the beginning our kids begged to do more! I love having the knowledge that they are getting the exercise needed and having fun at the same time! It is a homeschool parent’s dream! May you continue to bless others!
Any M.
My family and I have really enjoyed working through all the lessons you have created. We have seen positive results. Thank you for making it so easy to follow through the program.
Sandra I.
Just wanted to let you guys know that I started the first lesson today with my children and I am amazed at what they can’t do! We are very active as a family, and I really felt like their motor skills were better than they are. My children (all 4 of them – age 8-2) were laughing the entire lesson and having a great time! I am very pleased with this purchase and can’t wait to see how their skills improve.
Mary H.
Thank you so much for sending the lessons that I had lost. I love the program! It is my children’s favourite subject. They use to sit around all day, now they are even looking for other ways of being active. It is, also, helping me become fit. I would never make time for myself, but now that I do it for the children, I am enjoying it. I have a much more positive attitude during the day.
Susan P.
We are loving this curriculum! I like that there are alternate actvities to do inside in case of inclement weather- very helpful during the winter months. We are having a lot of fun with this and enjoying increasing our fitness.
Candice H.
My children and I look forward to our fitness classes. They are helping to improve my children’s coordination, stamina and overall physical health. I like that a program is available for someone like me to use for my family, as my husband really wanted our children to regularly partake in physical activity; the problem was that I just did not know what to do (inside the home). This has been a wonderful resource for our family.
Tamara S
Just wondered if at your convenience you would resend out the programs for my children who just started your PE program in October. We switched internet servers and have lost all the email info on the exercises as we just referred to the emails when doing them.
I hope this isn\’t too much trouble as my kids really do enjoy this program – they look forward to this part of their school day and we have lots of fun doing them. I do like the fact that I now know they are doing an actual PE program that takes the guess work out of it for me as to whether the kids are doing what is necessary to meet all the schools requirements for PE.
Kim L.
We love Family Time Fitness to start our day. Our home consists of 3 boys ages 9, 8 and 2. All of them enjoy the program. We usually start our day with a workout so that they can concentrate on their school work for the next few hours. Even after completing a lesson, I’m still ask if they can have a crab walk or bear crawl race. Our 2 year old especially loves to make the alphabet with his feet because he knows his ABCs and can participate. He does all the activities that the older boys do even if he can’t do them entirely. It has even helped him to increase his motor skills and coordination with jumping and catching.
I’m actually impressed that this program has gotten my oldest sons attention. He doesn’t like PE and I have always had a problem with his participation in sports or organized public school or homeschool programs.
We all love this program and are especially excited because we just ordered the workbooks to go with it.
Thanks so much for the fun and helping us to enjoy fitness as an entire family no matter our limits!!!!
The Higgins Family
A cold, rainy, yucky day….which typically means grumpy, cooped-up kids with too much energy for a day spent indoors. Not today however!! After lunch we assembled together for our fitness time and soon we were all laughing, getting fit, and using up some of that energy! Now they\’re able to concentrate once again on their reading and finish up our schoolday!
Lisa C.
We did the free trial week and after the first lesson, I knew this was what we wanted for our PE class. I taught public elementary school for years, and I know that PE is very important but “sports” is not my thing. These lessons are exactly what we needed. They are easy for me because there is little or no prep, and my two sons (ages 10 & 6) LOVE when we have PE. I can really see how each of them will benefit from the skills taught and the balance that it will bring to their bodies. My youngest learned how to jump rope after lesson 1 and shows everyone what he can do. My oldest was thrilled when he was able to score 3 soccer goals with his less-dominant left foot. I highly recommend this program! Thank you so much for creating it!
Jill I.
I just had to share with you all….thanks SO much for this program! I wish I had a video of our lesson yesterday. We did “popcorn” for the first time, and my five-year-old little girl was giggling and laughing through the whole thing. It was contagious! Even our twin boys, only 15mo old, got in on it when we started the music game, dancing right along with us. I love that we can ALL do it together – mom and 5 kids age 15mo to 9yrs – and I already see my kids improving in their balance and strength after only a week. It feels good to have a program that makes it easy to encourage the physical fitness that we ALL need in our family. Thanks so much!
Michelle T.
We’re doing Family Fitness and loving it! We’re having fun as a family and learning about strength, endurance, and coordination all at the same time. On another note, it has given my husband an active role in our homeschool as coach/PE teacher! Love it!
Tammy A.
This is the first year we have ever done PE with our children in homeschooling and we all LOVE the lessons! All 9 (or 10 if she isn’t taking her college classes) of our children, ages 5-18 eagerly participate in the activities. Purchasing this was the best money spent in a long time! Thank you so much for this product!!
Kristen M.
We are loving Family Time Fitness!! We have 2 boys being homeschooled and it is the highlight of our days!! Thank you so much!
Leah W.
I am so thrilled with the Family Time Fitness program. I used to MAKE my
older children go for a run every school day thinking that was all they
needed for PE. They hated it! Now they ask when we are going to do PE and
even do \”crab crawls\” and \”monster walking\” for fun! We do it as a whole
family and have a blast. By the end of thirty minutes we have all worked up
a sweat, yet we had fun doing it! We love watching our 2 and 4 year olds
mimicing the movements too. Thanks again for a great program.
Rachel T
My son missed PE from Public school until this week…thanks to Even the 4 yr old is having a blast with PE! I highly recommend this program.
Did a PE lesson this morning. We all had fun! Ty!
Ms. Mary
I just wanted to say that we just started your program and love it already. I keep the lessons file on my iPhone so they are always handy where ever we are. Thanks for an easy, but awesome resource to keep our kids healthy!
Tara G
I want to thank you for making something that will work INDOORS!! We get the extremes of weather here…freezing cold and dangerously hot, so I’ve struggled with finding something that will work inside our small home when we can’t get outside. having both the videos and written instructions has been absolutely wonderful!! If something seems confusing in written form, the video clears it right up for me! And I’m amazed that my children have not complained when I say it’s time for P.E
We are new to Family Time Fitness, and are really enjoying it. I like that the activities can be done indoors (we live in rainy Seattle!) . I have been looking literally years for a manageable exercise regimen for my son, and I now believe I have found it.
Jocelyn M
The kids enjoyed it. Thanks,
Temple W
I love it! The kids love it! It doesn’t take too long, so there’s no excuses, It’s fun, so the kids and I enjoy it. It makes us sweat, so I know it’s working us 🙂 I highly recommend it!
Meghan B.
Thanks so much Jeremiah. We did your sample lesson and everyone had a lot of fun, so we are really excited to start the Family Time Fitness.Thanks for making homeschooling easier for all of us!
Susan P.
My 11 year old son really likes getting his daily email reminder. The routines give him activities he can do on his own but it also allows us to work out together. Most gyms would not allow a young child and parent exercise together. Family Time Fitness provides fun and innovative programs at a fraction of the cost of most fitness centers.
[I’m] really looking forward to implementing this program in our homeschool. Thanks.
Lisa W.
Hello and thank you for sending me your program so promptly. My family looks forward to getting started on our road to fitness!
Sandra W.
Even after a long day at school, when one of my kids starts the Family Time Fitness daily lesson, the others quickly join in. Family Time Fitness provides a way for our family to spend quality time together. Family Time Fitness is also helping me teach my children the importance of daily physical activity.
Mike H.
Our home school PE curriculum used to be a list of activities, and the boys were required to go outside for 15 minutes a day. They complained about being bored, threw the ball around a few times, and usually talked for about 15 minutes. Since starting the Fitness 4 Home School program, they are asking to go outisde. They like their daily reminder emails, they are busy the entire time they are outside, and they are more coordinated.
Amy M.